Total Allocations: $1,503,482

Allocations are the planned amounts detailed in the COPs. They represent budget information, not actual expenditure

Partner Contract Information

Year Mechanism ID Amount
2012 14153 $70,887
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2012 13340 $0
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2012 10203 $1,432,595
Subpartner relationships
Amref Health Africa
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Kenya 2012 13340 NA
Cardno Emerging Markets
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zambia 2012 10203 NA
CARE International
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zambia 2012 10203 NA
Catholic Relief Services
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Kenya 2012 13340 NA
Churches Health Association of Zambia
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zambia 2012 10203 NA
Kara Counseling and Training Trust
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zambia 2012 10203 NA
Management Sciences for Health
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zambia 2012 10203 NA
National Organization of Peer Educators
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Kenya 2012 13340 NA
Salvation Army
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zambia 2012 10203 NA
Social Impact
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zambia 2012 10203 NA
University Teaching Hospital - Zambia
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zambia 2012 10203 NA